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Год выпуска: 1998
Издатель: Best Multimedia Club
Жанр: многожанровый сборник
Один из самых, если не самый, известных сборников старых игр, в котором представлены лучшие продукты 90-х годов, со скриншотами, патчами и многим другим. Leisure Suit Larry, Golden Axe, Alone in the Dark, Conan the Cimmerian, Alcatraz, Jurassic Park, а также огромное количество отличных игр жду вас
Издатель: Best Multimedia Club
Жанр: многожанровый сборник
Один из самых, если не самый, известных сборников старых игр, в котором представлены лучшие продукты 90-х годов, со скриншотами, патчами и многим другим. Leisure Suit Larry, Golden Axe, Alone in the Dark, Conan the Cimmerian, Alcatraz, Jurassic Park, а также огромное количество отличных игр жду вас
Системые требования: Оригинальные системные требования игр не превышают Pentium II 400Mhz; для выпущеных до 1993 года достаточно 386DX 33Mhz, до 1997 достаточно Pentium MMX 200Mhz. Для полноценного запуска DOS игр на современных машинах необходим эмулятор Dosbox. Игры для Windows 3.x можно запускать в Dosbox после установки в него этой ОС. Для игр под Windows 9x можно можно установить Virtual PC с Windows 98 SE. Если нужна возможность сохранения игры где она не предусмотрена, можно использовать мод Dosbox'а. Некоторые игры (хотя вряд ли такие есть в сборнике) требуют аппаратное 3D, но существующие виртуальные машины с Win9x не поддерживают Direct3D, OpenGL и Glide; некоторую надежду дают моды Dosbox'а.
Выпуск 1
Alcatraz (1992)
Alone in the Dark (1992)
Alone in the Dark 2 (1993)
Amazon Guardians of Eden (1992)
Another World (1991)
Archon Ultra (1994)
Atomix (1990)
Baby Joe (1991)
Bad Blood (1990)
Bananoid (1989)
Batman Returns (1992)
Battle Chess (1988)
Beat the House (1992)
Betrayal at Krondor (1993)
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (1993)
Blood Money (1989)
Bloodnet (1994)
Blues Brothers (1991)
Bopoha (1993)
Boston Bomb Club (1991)
Bridge 7.0 (1992)
Brix (1993)
Budocan (1989)
Bumpy's (1992)
Castle (1991)
Castle of Dr. Brain (1991)
Catacomb Abyss (1992)
Cd-Man (1989)
Cd-Man 2 (1992)
Centurion (1990)
Chellenge of the Ancient Empires (1990)
Civilization (1991)
Color Lines (1992)
Comanche (1993)
Comersnt (1991)
Commander Keen (1990)
Commander Keen 2 (1991)
Commander Keen 3 (1991)
Commander Keen 4 (1991)
Commander Keen 5 (1991)
Companions of Xanth (1993)
Conan the Cimmerian (1991)
Cooperation By Coredesign (1991)
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure (1992)
Crack Down (1990)
Crazy Cars 3 (1992)
Crisis in the Kremlin (1991)
Crystal Caves (1991)
Curse of Enchantia (1992)
Darkland (1992)
Darkspyre (1990)
Dawn Raider (1990)
Day of the Tentacle (1993)
Dino Wars (1990)
Dog Fight (1993)
Doom (1993)
Double Dragon 3 (1993)
Dracula (1993)
Dragonstrike (1990)
Ducktales (1990)
Dune (1992)
Dune 2 (1992)
Dungeon Hack (1993)
Dynamo (1993)
Electro Body (1992)
Elite 2 Plus (1991)
Empire Deluxe (1993)
Epic (1993)
Epic Pinball (1993)
Eternam (1992)
Eye of the Beholder (1990)
Eye of the Beholder 2 (1991)
Eye of the Beholder 3 (1993)
F117 (1991)
F15 Strice Eagle 2 (1988)
F19 Stealth Fighter (1988)
Fantasy Empires (1993)
Fields of Glory (1992)
Filler (1990)
Fire & Forget 2 (1990)
First Samurai (1992)
Flash Back (1992)
Flight Simulator 5.0 (1993)
Football (Top 7) (1992)
Formula One Grand Prix (1992)
Fox to Marrakech and Back (1992)
Freddy Pharkas (1993)
Frontier (Elite 3) (1993)
Fury of the Furries (1993)
Galactix (1992)
Global Domination (1993)
Go Simulator (1991)
Gobliiins (1991)
Golden Axe (1990)
Grand Prix Circuit (1988)
Grand Prix Unlimited (1992)
Great Computer Adventure (1993)
Great War: 1914-1918 (1993)
Gunship 2000 (1991)
Halloween Harry (1993)
Home Alone (1991)
Hot Rubber (1992)
Humans (1992)
Inca (1992)
Inca 2 (1993)
Indianapolis 500 Motor Speedway (1989)
Jack Company (1992)
Jill of the Jungle (1992)
Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja (1991)
Jordan in Flight (1992)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Kb2 (1993)
Kgb (1992)
Killing Cloud (1991)
King's Quest VI (1992)
Knights of the Sky (1990)
La Law (1992)
Last Eichhof (1993)
Laura Bow in the Dagger of Amonra (1992)
Legacy (1993)
Legend of Kyrandia (1992)
Leisure Suit Larry 5 (1991)
Leisure Suit Larry 6 (1993)
Lightspeed (1990)
Links386 (1992)
Lost in Time (1993)
Lotus the Ultimate Challenge (1993)
Lure of the Teptress (1992)
Magic Pockets (1992)
Major Stryker (1993)
Mario Andrettie's Racing Chellenge (1991)
Marriage (1993)
Master of Orion (1993)
Mechwarrior (1989)
Megafortress (1991)
Merlin (1993)
Metall Mutant (1986)
Mickey's: Jigsaw Puzzles (1991)
Mig29m (1991)
Might and Magic III (1991)
Mike Ditka Ultimate Football (1991)
Millenium: Return to Earth (1991)
Moonbase (1990)
Moonstone (1992)
Mortal Kombat (1993)
Mystery at the Museums Binary Zoo (1993)
Nardy: Ega Gammon (1989)
Netwars (1992)
Network Q Rac Rally (1994)
Nicky Boom (1992)
PC Lemmings Machine (1991)
Penthouse Electric Jigsaw (1991)
Pipe Dream (1989)
Pirates! Gold (1993)
Pole (1992)
Pole 2 (1993)
Police Quest 4 (1993)
Predator 2 (1991)
Prehistorik (1991)
Prehistorik 2 (1993)
Prince of Persia (1990)
Prince of Persia 2 (1993)
Privateer (1993)
Protostar (1993)
Putup (1991)
Quest for Glory 3: (1992)
Quest for Glory 4: (1993)
Quickball (1992)
Ranger Fox (1992)
Raptor: Call of the Shodows (1994)
Realms (1992)
Red Baron (1990)
Rex Nebular Team (1992)
Risky Woods (1992)
Robocop 3 (1992)
Roger 2 (1991)
Ryder Cup (1993)
Sam & Max (1993)
Sango Fighter (1993)
Sea War (1992)
Seal Team (1993)
Seven Cities of Gold (1993)
Shell Game (1992)
Sherman - M4 (1989)
Shooting Gallery (1990)
Silent Service 2 (1990)
Sim City (1989)
Sim Earth (1992)
Sim Farm (1993)
Simcity 2000 (1993)
Sobor (1991)
Solar Winds Episode 2 (1992)
Son of the Empire (1992)
Space Hulk 25.0 (1993)
Spear of Destiny (1992)
Spirit of Excalibur (1990)
Spot (1990)
SSN-21 Sea Wolf (1994)
Star Blade (1990)
Star Control (1990)
Star Control 2 (1993)
Star Legions (1992)
Star Trek (1992)
Stellar 7 (1990)
Street Fighter 2 (1991)
Strice Commander (1994)
Strike 2 (1994)
Strip Poker Professional (1993)
Strip Poker Three (1991)
Stronghold (1993)
Stunts (1990)
Supaplex (1991)
Super Cauldron (1992)
Syndicate (1993)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Terminator 2029 (1992)
Test Drive 3 (1990)
Tfx (1993)
Tom & Jerry (1990)
Toppler (1990)
Tunnels of Armageddon (1989)
Tv Sports: Boxing (1992)
Ufo: Enemy Unknown (1994)
Ultima Underworld (1992)
Unnecessary Roughness (1993)
Veil of Darkness (1992)
When Two Worlds War (1993)
Wing Commander (1990)
Wing Commander 2 (1992)
Wing Commander Academy (1993)
Wizardry 7 (Dark Savant) (1992)
Wolfenstein 3D (1992)
X-Wing: Space Combat Simulator (1993)
Выпуск 2
1942: The Pacific Air War (1994)
A10 Tank Killer (1989)
Aces Over Europe (1993)
Adibou (1993)
Advanced Tactical Air Combat (1992)
Alien Legacy (1994)
Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse (1994)
Angel Wrestling (1993)
B-17: Flying Fortress (1992)
Battle Isle 2 (1994)
Battles of Destiny (1992)
Be Our Guest (1994)
Beneath a Steel Sky (1994)
Bio Menace! (1993)
Cannon Fodder (1994)
Carriers at War 2 (1994)
CC Football (1993)
Commander Keen 6 (1991)
Commander Keen 7 (1992)
Conquest (1992)
Conquests of the Longbow (1991)
Coridor 7: Alien Invasion (1994)
Countdown (1990)
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands (1993)
D-Day (1994)
Depth Dwellers (1994)
Detroit (1994)
Diggers (1993)
Dinopark (1993)
Disciples of Steel (1993)
Doctor Who (1992)
Doom 2: Hell on Earth (1994)
Dragonsphere (1993)
Duke Nukem (1991)
Duke Nukum 2 (1993)
Dyna Blaster (1992)
Elder Scrolls: Arena (1994)
Elf (1991)
Eric the Unready (1993)
F-14 Fleet Defender (1994)
F-29 Retaliator (1991)
Falcon 3 (1991)
Gabriel Knight (1993)
Gateway II: Homeworld (1993)
Goal (1993)
Goblins 3 (1993)
Gods (1991)
Grandest Fleet (1994)
Harald (1992)
Harpoon 2 (1993)
Heart of China (1991)
Heirs to the Throne (1993)
Highway Fighter (1994)
Hired Guns (1993)
Hocus Pocus (1994)
In Extremis (1993)
Incredible Toons (1993)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992)
Indycar Racing (1993)
Inherit the Earth (1994)
Innocent: Until Caught (1993)
Internal Open Golf (1993)
Ishar 2 (1993)
Ishar 3 (1994)
Isle of the Dead (1993)
Jeopardy! (1994)
King Maker (1993)
Lands of Lore (1993)
Laser Squad (1992)
Legend of Kyrandia 2 (1993)
Legend of Myra (1992)
Lemmings 2: The Trides (1993)
Litil Divil (1993)
Lost in L.A. (1991)
Lost Secret of the Rainforest (1993)
Lost Vikings (1993)
Martian Memorandum (1991)
Might & Magic 5 (1993)
Mirage Thunder Dif 2 (1993)
Monster Bash (1993)
Obitus (1991)
Pagan: Ultima 8 (Speech Pack) (1994)
Planet's Edge (1992)
Police Quest 3: The Kindred (1991)
Pools of Darkness (1991)
Prophecy (1993)
Quarky & Quaysoo's (1992)
Quest of Glory (1992)
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe (1992)
Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession (1994)
Red Hell (1994)
Reunion (1994)
Ringworld (1992)
Robbo (1993)
Robinson's Requiem (1994)
Roger Rabbit (1992)
Settlers (Serf City) (1994)
Shadow Caster (1993)
Shadow of the Comet (1993)
Sherlock Holmes (1992)
Silverball Plus 2 (1993)
Simlife (1992)
Simon the Sorcerer (1993)
Sink or Swim (1993)
Soccer Kid (1994)
Space Quest 4 (1991)
Space Quest 5 (1992)
Spell Craft: Aspects of Valor (1992)
Spell Jammer (1992)
Starship (1993)
Stunt Island (1992)
Sub War 2050 (1993)
Super VGA Harrier Assault (1993)
Superski 3 (1994)
Theatre of Death (1994)
Theme Park (1994)
Tie Fighter (1994)
Tornado (1993)
Tristan Pinball (1992)
Tubular Worlds (1994)
Two Towers (1992)
Ultima Underworld 2 (1992)
Ultrabots (1992)
Utopia (1992)
V for Victory, Utah Beach (1991)
Valhalla (1992)
Walls of Rome (1993)
Winter Olympic (1991)
World Cup USA 1994 (1994)
Yendorian Tales (1993)
Zool 2 (1994)
Выпуск 3
173 Games for Windows (1994)
Aces of the Deep (1994)
Ambush at Sorinor (1993)
American Gladiators (1992)
Arctic Baron (1993)
Battle Chess 4000 (1992)
Belfry (1993)
Black Thorne (1994)
Blake Stone 2: Planet Strike (1994)
Blue Force (1993)
Burntime (1994)
Buzz Aldrin's Into Race Space (1993)
Car and Driver (1993)
Championship Manager '94 (1994)
Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1! (1993)
Civilization (rus) (1991)
Cobra Mission (1992)
Cool in Fire and Ice (1993)
Cyber Race (1993)
Dare to Dream (1993)
Dark Queen of Krynn (1992)
Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (1994)
Delta V (1994)
Desert Strike: Return to Gulf (1993)
Dreamweb (1994)
Entity Addendum (1994)
Entombed (1994)
Evasive Action (1994)
F15 Strike Eagle 3 (1992)
Gateworld (1993)
Geekwad (1994)
Geometrix 2 (1992)
Great Naval Battles 2 (1993)
Hannibal (1992)
Harrier Jump Jet (1992)
Heimdall 2 (1994)
Helicopter Mission (1994)
Horde (1994)
Innisbrook: Copperhead (1993)
Intellegent Strategy Games 10 (1993)
International Tennis Open (1994)
Iron Cross (1994)
Jazz Jackrabbit (1994)
Jin City (1993)
Kidworks 2: Design Team (1992)
King Quest 5 (1990)
Koshan Conspiracy (1992)
Krypton Egg (1994)
Last Aktion Hero: Jack Slayter (1994)
Legend of Seven Paladins 3D (1994)
Leisure Suit Larry (1992)
Lode Runner: Legend Returns (1994)
Lords of the Realm (1994)
Lost Tribe (1992)
Manchester United Football Club (1994)
Master of Magic (1994)
Mega Traveller 2: Quest for the Ancients (1991)
Merchant Prince (1993)
Metal & Lace: The Battle of the Robo Babes (1993)
Micromachines (1994)
Microsoft Golf (1992)
Might and Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen (1992)
Monkey Island 2 (1991)
Museum Madness Es Here! (1994)
Mystic Towers (1994)
NHL Hockey (1993)
Nomad (1993)
On the Ball: World Cup Edition (1994)
Operation Overlord (1994)
Organization Game (1994)
Origamo (1994)
Patriot (1992)
Patton Strikes Back (1991)
Pebble Beach Golf Links (1993)
Planet Football (1994)
Pretty Girl Campaigh (1994)
Previl (1994)
Pussy Puzzle (1993)
Quarantine (1994)
Realms of Arcania (1993)
Red Crystal (1993)
Return to Zork (1993)
Sabre Team (1994)
Scrabble Brand Crossword Game (1990)
Sid Meier's Colonization (1994)
Space Conflict (1992)
Space Quest VGA (1991)
Special Forces (1992)
Spectre VR (1993)
Star Crusader (1994)
Super Dune II: The Destruction (1994)
Superhero League of Hoboken (1994)
System Shock (1994)
T2: Chess Wars (1993)
Tanks! (1994)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (1991)
Terminator: Rampage (1993)
The Blue & The Gray (1993)
Theatre of War (1992)
Train Engineer (1994)
Travels of Joe Rabbit (1994)
Treasure Galaxy (1994)
Twilight: 2000 (1991)
Ultima 6: The False Prophet (1990)
Ultimate Domain (1994)
Uninvited (1993)
Unnatural Selection (1993)
VGA Planets 3.0 (1993)
Vida (1993)
Vision the 5 Dimension Utopia (1992)
Warloards 2 (with scenario editor) (1993)
Wax Works (1992)
Wayne's World (1993)
Wing Commander: Armada (1994)
Wolf (1994)
Выпуск 4
4D-Prince (1994)
Adventures of Willy Beamish (1991)
Aethra Chronicles (1994)
Air Bucks (1993)
Air Duel (1993)
Alien Carnage (Halloween Harry) (1994)
All New World of Lemmings 3 (CD) (1994)
Armored Fist (1994)
Astrofire (1994)
Av8b Harrier Assault (1992)
Banff Springs (1993)
Bat 2 (1992)
Battle Bugs (1994)
Battle of Britain 2 (win) (1994)
Battledrome: Metaltech Robotic (1994)
Castle Pines Golf Club (1994)
Championship Manager 93 (1993)
Chess Net 3 (win) (1994)
Chessmaster 3000 for Windows (1991)
Chuck Yeager's Air Combat (1991)
Coaster (1993)
Cruel World (1994)
Crusade in Space (1994)
Cyclones (1994)
Dark Legions (1994)
Dawn Patrol (Overlord 2) (1994)
Defend the Alamo (1994)
Desert Storm Command Deluxe (1994)
Discovering America (1993)
Dominus (1994)
Doofus (1994)
Doom & Wolf (1994)
Ecstatica (1994)
Eight Ball Deluxe (1993)
Elvira 2: The Jaws of Cerberus (1991)
Elvira: Misstress of the Dark (1990)
Epidemic (Music) (1994)
F-14 Tomcat (1992)
Fighter Wing (1994)
Firestone Country Club: South (1993)
Fortress of Dr. Radiaki (1994)
Frankenstein (1994)
Frederik Pohl's Gateway (1992)
Front Page Sports: Baseball'94 (1994)
Front Page Sports:Football Pro (1994)
Gateway 2: Homeworld (1993)
Gunship 2000 Plus (1993)
Hong Kong Mahjong Pro (1992)
Icarus 4 (1994)
In Search of Dr. Riptide (1994)
Incredible Machine 2 (1994)
Island Dr. Brain 2 (1992)
Journey to the West (1994)
Kasparov's Gambit (1993)
King of Fighter (1994)
Kingmaker (1993)
Lady Love (1992)
Legend of Kyrandia (rus) (1992)
Legends of Valour (1992)
Legions for Windows (1994)
Lemmings 3: Chronicles (1994)
Lethal Tender (1993)
Lion King (1994)
Menzoberranzan (1994)
Metaltech: Earthsiege (1994)
Microsoft Space Simulator (1994)
NCAA Road to the Final Four 2 (1994)
Nitemare 3D: A House of Horrors (1994)
One Must Fall 2097 (1994)
Outpost (win) (1994)
Pacific Strike (1994)
Pangea: Return to Planet Earth (1993)
Panzer General (1994)
Patrician (1992)
Pepper's Adventures in Time (1993)
Pinball Dreams 2 (1993)
Playball (win) (1994)
Project X (1994)
Raiden (1990)
Realms of Arcania 2: Star Trail (1994)
Return of the Phantom (1993)
Rise of the Robots (1994)
Rocketeer (1991)
Rolling Ronny (1994)
Rosemary West's House of Fortn (1993)
Sargon 5: World Class Chess (1991)
Serious Soccer (1994)
Sim Farm for Windows (1994)
Sim Health (1994)
Sleep Walker (1994)
Space Federation (1994)
Space Shuttle: The Simulator (1991)
Spear of Destiny (1992)
Spell Craft: Aspects of Valor (1992)
Spellcasting 301 (1992)
Spoils of War (1992)
Star Crusader Speech Pack (Update) (1994)
Star Trek: Judgment Rites (1993)
Star Wars Chess (1994)
Strike Squad (1994)
Terminal Terror (1994)
Thunder Hawk Ah-73m (1990)
Topgun: Danger Zone (1991)
Transport Tycoon (1994)
Ultima 7: The Black Gate (1992)
Universe (1994)
Unnecessary Roughness 95' (1994)
Wacky Wheels (1994)
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (1994)
Wing Commander: Academy Wingman Voices (1993)
Winter Sports (1994)
World Cup Challenge (win) (1994)
Xf 5700 Mantis Experimental Fighter (1992)
Yukon Trail (CD) for Windows (1994)
Zarkov Chess (1993)
Выпуск 5
1869 (1992)
6 Small Games for Windows (1994)
Aces of the Pacific (1992)
Aladdin: Agrabah Market (1994)
Alone in the Dark 3 (1995)
Arya Vaiv (1994)
BBC Match of the Day: Bundesliga (1994)
Best Black Jack (win) (1994)
Big Red Adventure (1995)
Black Thorne (CD) (1994)
Blue Max: Aces of the Great War (1990)
Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess (1994)
Bookie (1994)
Cannon Fodder 2 (1994)
Chaos Engine (1994)
Clue! (1994)
Columns (1994)
Comet Busters! (win) (1994)
Dark Forces (1995)
Deadly Racer (1994)
Death Gate (1994)
Descent (1994)
Double Talk: Original Edition (1994)
Double Talk: Sports Edition (1994)
Dragon's Lair: Escape from Sing (1991)
Dune 2 (rus) (1994)
Duren (1992)
F-14:Scenario & Mission Builder (1994)
Facts in Action (1992)
Fifa International Soccer (1994)
Flight Commander 2 (win) (1994)
Flying Tigers (1994)
Foreplay & Camman (1994)
Forgotien Realms: Unlimited Adv (1993)
Free D.C. (1991)
Front Lines (1994)
Glider for Windows (1994)
Gobliins 2 (rus) (1992)
Golf Course: Prairie Dunes Coun (1995)
Gone Fishin' (1994)
Gottlieb's Royal Flush (1994)
Great Naval Battles 3: Fury in (1994)
Guy Spy (1992)
Hardball 4 With Mlbpa Players D (1994)
Heretic (1994)
Hilarious Dutchball! (1994)
Holiday Lemmings '94 (1994)
Hugo (German Text & Speech) (1994)
Hyperspeed (1991)
Innocent Until Caught 2: Proven (1994)
Ironseed (1994)
Jo Guest: The Milk Round (1994)
Ken (1993)
Krypton Egg (1994)
Lamborghini American Challenge (1994)
Latenite Sexy TV Show (1993)
Leisure Suit Larry (rus) (1994)
Lollypop (1994)
Magic Carpet (1994)
Martian Dreams (1991)
Metal Marines (win) (1994)
Mortal Kombat 2 (1995)
Nothing But Net! (1994)
Nova 9 Quick Dox (1991)
Operation Europe: Path to Victo (1994)
Oscar (1994)
Pac-In-Time (1994)
Patriot (1992)
PC Basket (1993)
Pinball 2000 (1993)
Power Drive (1994)
Premier Manager 3 (1994)
Prison Guard Tracker (win) (1994)
Pushover (1992)
Puzzle Beauty (1994)
Rags to Riches (1993)
Reach for the Skies (1993)
Reach Out for Gold (1993)
Realms of Arkania 2: Star Trail (1994)
Realms of Chaos: Chapter 1 (1994)
Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure / Little Big Adventure (1994)
Retribution (1994)
Ricochet (win) (1994)
Rise of the Triad: Dark War (1995)
Rock'n Roll (1990)
Rome Ad92: The Pathway to Power (1993)
Sex Tetris (1991)
Sir Addalot's Math Adventure (1993)
Sitris (1993)
Slob Zone 3D (1994)
Soccer Superstars (1994)
Sokoban 1994 (1993)
Space Ace (1990)
Star Trek 25 (1992)
Storymaker VGA (1994)
Super Boppin (1994)
Super Shooter (win) (1994)
Super Ski Pro (1994)
Superfrog (1994)
Syndicate Plus (CD) (1994)
Teresa: The House Guest (1994)
Tetris Classic (1992)
Tetris Pro (1994)
Tetrolis (1993)
Threat Deluxe (1995)
Towers (1994)
Treasure of the Savage Frontier (1992)
Trubis (1992)
UFO (CD) (1994)
Ultimate Body Blows (1994)
Ultimate Challenge Golf (1992)
Vida at the Cafe XXX (1994)
Virtuoso (1994)
Wing Commander: Secret Mission 2 (1992)
World at War: Stalingrad (1994)
Выпуск 6
4D Boxing (1991)
Action Soccer (1995)
Alien Breed: Tower Assault (1995)
Alien Olympics (1994)
Atari 2600 Action Pact (1995)
B.C. Racers (1995)
Bailey's Book House (1993)
Bioforge (1994)
Breakline (1994)
Brett Hull Hockey '95 (1995)
Bridge Deluxe 2 with Omar Shari (1995)
Bureau 13 (1994)
Cannon Foder (CD) (1995)
Casino Tournament of Champions (1995)
Clock Werx (win) (1995)
Complete Set of Interactive (1995)
Cool Spot (1994)
Discworld (1995)
Elite 3: First Encounters (1995)
Espn Baseball Tonight (1994)
Expert Chess for Windows (1994)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (1995)
Flying Tigers (1995)
Flying Tigers (1995)
Funball (1995)
Games Magazine's Word Puzzle (1994)
Gateworld: The Seed Ship (1993)
G-Netix (win) (1995)
High Seas Trader (1995)
Immoral Cumbat (1995)
Inordinate Desire (1994)
Jagged Alliance (CD) (1995)
Jungle Strike (1995)
Jungle Strike (CD) (1995)
Ka-50 Hokum (1995)
Kin Yeo Fighting (1995)
Knights of Xentar (1994)
Links the Challenge of Golf (1994)
Machiavelli: The Prince (1995)
Magic Carpet 2: The Hidden World (1995)
Mario's Game Gallery (1994)
Mickey's Abc's Enhanced (1993)
Nascar Racing (1994)
Once Upon a Forest (1995)
Perfect General 2 (1995)
Pizza Tycoon (1994)
Psycho Pinball (1995)
Pure Wargame (1994)
Pyro Technica (1995)
Raiden (1995)
Risky (win) (1995)
Sento 3D Fighter (1994)
Simcity 2000 (CD) (1994)
Skyrealms of Jorune: Alien Logic (1994)
Space Quest 4 (rus) (1992)
Space Quest 5 (rus) (1993)
Stereo World (1994)
Street Shuffle (win) (1994)
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (1995)
Sword of Honour (1993)
System Shock (CD) (SVGA) (1995)
Tank Commander (1995)
Terminal Velocity (1995)
Total Carnage (1994)
Traffic Department 2192 (1994)
Trolls (1992)
Upgrate for Ms Golf: Pine (win) (1995)
Vinyl Goddess From Mars (1995)
Virtual Pool v0.9 (1995)
Voyages of Discovery (1995)
Wheel of Fortune Deluxe Edition (1994)
Whizz (1994)
World Hockey'95 (1995)
Wrath of Earth With Speech Pack (1995)
X-Com 2: Terror From the Deep (1995)
Zorro (1995)
Выпуск 7
3D Cyberpuck (1995)
Apache Gunship (CD) (1995)
Arnie 2 (1995)
Art Apart: Puzzles to Solve (1995)
B"Lz! (1995)
Beat the House for Windows (1995)
Blood Bowl (CD) (1995)
Bolo (CD) (1995)
Brain Quest 13 1st Grade Ages 6 (1995)
Brutal: Paws of Fury (1995)
Casino Expert for Windows (1993)
Celtic Tales: Balor of the Evil (1995)
Civil War (1995)
Code: Europe (1995)
Combat Air Patrol (1995)
Combined Tcs/Tws System (1995)
Creep Clash (1995)
Cyberbykes (1995)
Dawn Patrol (1994)
Dungeon Master 2 (1995)
Entertainment Digest (win) (1995)
Flight Lite (1994)
Flight Simulator 5 (1995)
Football Glory PC (1995)
Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space Golf (1995)
Fx Fighter (CD) (1995)
Galactix v.5 (1995)
Golf Course: Riviera Country (1995)
Hi-Octane (CD) (1995)
Inferno (1995)
Interrupt (1995)
Iron Cross (1995)
Jagged Alliance (1995)
King Pin (1995)
Leisure Suit Larry's Greatest H (1995)
Living Puzzles - Triazzle (1995)
Lords of Midnight 3: The Citadel (1995)
Mech Warrior 2 (1995)
Micro Machines 2 (1995)
Overdrive (1995)
Patrician (for vesa) (1995)
Player Manager 2 (1995)
Poolmaster for Windows (1994)
Rollin' Part 1: Episode 2 & 3 (1995)
Rollin' Part 2: Episode 4 & 5 (1995)
Scottish Open (1995)
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (1995)
Simtower for Windows (1995)
Simtown for Windows (1995)
Slipstream 5000 (1995)
Striker'95 (1995)
Strip Blackjack Part Three (1995)
Super Speed (1995)
Superkarts (1995)
SVGA Air Warriors Plus (1995)
Take a Break Pinball (CD) (win) (1995)
Teenagent (1995)
Time Hunters (1995)
Time Out Sports Basketball (win) (1995)
Tube (1995)
U.S.H.F.: Beyond Armageddon (1995)
Ultimate Doom (1995)
Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons (1994)
USA Scenery: East - 2nd Edition (1994)
USA Scenery: West - 2nd Edition (1994)
Warriors (CD) (1995)
Widget Workshop for Windows (1995)
Word Crazy (win) (1995)
X-Com: UFO Defence (rus) (1995)
Xeno Ball (1995)
Xixit (1995)
Zig-Zag (win) (1995)
Выпуск 8
1830: Railroads & Robber Barons (1995)
1944: Across the Rhine (1995)
A4-Networks (1995)
Air Power (1995)
Antagony (1994)
Baryon (1995)
Bask (1995)
Battle Beast (CD) (win) (1995)
Bigone (win) (1994)
Breach 3 (1995)
Breakfree (1995)
Brudal Baddle (1994)
Caesar 2 (1995)
Cheunha (1994)
Command & Conquer (1995)
Crusader: No Remorse (1995)
Dday: America Invades! (CD) (1995)
Dime City (1995)
Doom 2 for Win95 (1995)
Empire 2: The Art of War (1995)
Epic Pinball (enhanced packs) (1995)
Fade to Black (1995)
Flight Simulator 5.0 (Nyork) (1993)
Flight Simulator 5.0 (Sfran) (1993)
Genius (CD) (win) (1995)
Helious (1993)
Hellfire Zone (CD) (1995)
Hexen: Beyond Heretic (beta 3) (1995)
Hole in One (1995)
Home Run Derby (1994)
Igor: Objective Uikokahonia (1995)
Jazz Jack Rabbit (CD) (1994)
K-1 Tank (1995)
Kubulus (1994)
Magic Carpet 2 - Netherworlds (1995)
Manchester United - the Double (1995)
Mega Man X (1995)
Mortal Kombat 3 (CD) (1995)
Motor City: History Experience Part 2 (1995)
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (1995)
Nerves of Steel (1995)
Nhl Hockey’95 (1995)
Night Raid (1993)
PC Rally (CD) (1995)
Primal Rage (1995)
Puzzle Mania (1995)
Road Hog! (vol. 1 & 2) (1995)
Sail 95 (win) (1995)
Soko-Ban (1995)
Terminal Velocity (1995)
Too Many Geckos! (1995)
Transport Tycoon Deluxe (1995)
Tyrian (1995)
Werewolf vs. Comanche (1995)
Witchaven (1995)
Выпуск 9
3D Lemmings (1995)
3D Table Sports (1995)
3D Ultra Pinball (win) (1995)
Abuse (1995)
Advanced Civilization (1995)
Alunser Jr. Arcade Racing (win95) (1995)
Ascendancy (1995)
Battleground Ardennes (win) (1995)
Bicycle Baccarat (1995)
Black Knight (1995)
Cannon Bubble Mania (win) (1995)
Clyde’s Revenge! (1995)
Corel Wild Board Games (win) (1995)
Darker (CD) (1995)
Dynasty League Baseball (win) (1995)
Fatal Racing (CD) (1995)
Fight of Destiny (1995)
Future Dimension (1995)
Grand Master Chess (1995)
Hardball 5 (1995)
Heroes of Might and Magic (CD) (1995)
Hexen (1995)
Iron Assault (1995)
Jungle Book (1995)
Last Day (win) (1995)
Machines (1995)
Master of Magic (1995)
Navy Strike: Task Force Command (1995)
Need for Speed (CD) (1995)
Nightmare 3D (win) (1994)
Pee & Gity Special (1994)
Pinball World (1995)
Pizza Tycoon (1994)
Power the Game (win) (1995)
Rapid Assault (1995)
Road Warrior (1995)
Sim City 2000 (win95) (1995)
Star Emperor (os/2) (1995)
Take a Break! Crosswords Deluxe (win) (1995)
Tekwar (1995)
Time Circle (1995)
Towers of Kublai Khan (1995)
Warlord 2 Deluxe (1995)
World Gity Grand Prix (win) (1995)
Zoop (1995)
Выпуск 10
5 Game Super Pack (1995)
Actua Soccer (1995)
Anvil of Dawn (1995)
Capitalism (1995)
Championship Chess (1995)
Classic Games for OS/2 (1995)
Comix Zone (1995)
Commodore 64 Pack (1995)
Conqueror 1086 AD (1995)
Destruction Derby (1995)
Druid: Daemons of the Mind (1995)
Earthworm Jim (win95) (1995)
Ecco (1995)
EF2000 (1995)
Endorfun (1995)
Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall (1995)
Expect No Mercy (win) (1995)
Fifa Soccer’96 (1995)
Fighter Duel (1995)
Flight Simulator: Flight Shop (1995)
Football Limited (CD) (1995)
Galactic Void Miner (1995)
Indycar Racing 2 (1995)
Jazz Jack Rabbit Holiday (1995)
Locus (1995)
Microleam Game Pack vol.2 (OS/2) (1995)
Mimi & Mites (1995)
Nemesis Mission (win) (1995)
Ocean Traider (1995)
Parker Brother’s Monopoly (win) (1995)
Pocahontas (1995)
Radix: Beyond the Void (1995)
Realms of Chaos (1995)
Romanche of Three Kingdoms (1995)
Screamer (CD) (1995)
Scunny (1995)
Sensible World of Soccer (1995)
Spiderman: Separation Anxiety (1995)
Star Rangers (1995)
Stonekeeper (1995)
Tang Chi 16 for Win (1995)
Tang Chi 32 for Win95 (1995)
Terminator: Future Shock (1995)
Thexder (win95) (1995)
Tower (win) (1995)
Выпуск 11
2 Fast 3 You (1995)
Abuse (1995)
Actua Soccer (1995)
Alien Virus (1995)
CD-ROMIX: Ultraverse Freex #1 (1995)
Checkers (win) (1995)
Chess Kids (win) (1995)
CivNet (win) (1995)
Congo the Movie: Descent into Zinj (1995)
Connect (1995)
Cyber Mage: Darklight Awakening (1995)
Cyber Speed (win95) (1995)
Dawn Patrol 2: Head to Head (1995)
Dime City (1995)
Extreme Pinball (1995)
Fatal Racing (1995)
Fatty Bear’s Birthday Surprise (1995)
FireStorm Thunderhawk 2 (1995)
Front Page Sports: Football Pro’96 Season (1995)
Full Tilt! Pinball (win95) (1995)
Fun’n Games Deluxe (1995)
HiOctane for 3D Blaster (1995)
Hooves of Hunder (win) (1995)
Hoyle Classic Games (win) (1995)
Hyper 3D Pinball (1995)
Icebreaker (win) (1995)
Impact (1995)
Jigsaw Power (win) (1995)
Links386 Pro Golf Ultimate (CD) (1995)
Lode Runner Online (win95) (1995)
Might and Magic: Swords of Xeen (1995)
Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol (win) (1995)
Mystic Midway: Phantom Express (1995)
Nascar Racing for 3D Blaster (1995)
Nick Faldo’s Golf (1995)
Pool Champion (win) (1995)
Rebel Moon for 3D Blaster (1995)
Red Ghost (1995)
Sensible World of Soccer (CD) (1995)
Shannara (1995)
Soleil (win) (1995)
SU-27 Flanker (win95) (1995)
This Means War (win) (1995)
Timon and Pumbaa’s Jungle Games (win) (1995)
Virtual Karts (1995)
Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars (1995)
Worms (CD) (1995)
Выпуск 12
Absolute Zero (1996)
Abuse (1996)
Airforce Commander (1994)
Assault Rigs (1996)
Batman Forever (1996)
Battles in Time (1995)
Blood (alpha) (1997)
Bud Tucker (1995)
Chronicles of the Sword (1996)
Civilization 2 for Win95 (1996)
Cog Hill Championship Course (1995)
College Slam (1996)
Command: Aces of the Deep (win95) (1995)
Crusade: The Fight For Power (1995)
Cylindrix (1996)
Cyril Cyberpunk (1996)
Descent 2 (1996)
EA Sports Cricket (1995)
ESPN Extreme Games (1996)
Fantasy General (1996)
Fast Attack! (1996)
Iron Blood (1995)
Jack Nicklaus Golf & Course (1995)
Johnny Bazookatone (1995)
Jungledyret Hugo (1995)
Kingdom At War (1995)
Living Pinball (1995)
Math Blaster: In Search of Spot (1993)
Maximum Road Kill (1995)
Metaltech: Earthsiege Expansion Disk (1995)
NBA Live’96 (1996)
NFL Quarterback Club’96 (1996)
Picture BlackJack (1996)
Pinball 4000 (1995)
Radix: Beyond The Void (1996)
Rayman (1995)
Reverse Time (1995)
Revolution X (1996)
Seek And Destroy (1995)
Shell Shock (1995)
Sim Sity 2000 for OS/2 (1995)
Space Dude (1995)
Starball (1996)
Steel Panthers (1995)
Strip Poker Pro (1995)
Super Star Wars (1996)
Terra Nova:Strike Force Centauri (1996)
The Complete Carriers At War (1996)
Thor’s Hammer Trilogy (1995)
Tilt! (1995)
Time Gate: Knight’s Chase (1995)
Tornado (1995)
UEFA Champion League (1996)
Virtual Snooker (1996)
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat (1995)
Whiplash (1996)
Wingstar (1996)
WipeOut (1995)
Witch Haven II (1996)
Выпуск 13
Battle Arena Toshinden (1996)
Big Red Racing (1996)
Conquest of the New World (1996)
Deadline (1996)
Duke Nukem 3D (1996)
Earth Worm Jim (1996)
Earth Worm Jim II (1996)
Fire Wind (1996)
Golf Digest Score Card (1996)
Heretic (1996)
Hexen: Deathking’s of the Dark Citadel (1996)
Hoyle Classic Board Games vol.3 (1996)
Jane’s Combat Simulations: Advanced Tactical Fighters (1996)
Links386 Pro: Golf (1996)
Majestic Part I: Alien Encounter (1995)
Manic Karts (1996)
Marriage (1996)
Normality (1996)
PGA European Tour (CD) (1996)
Piranha (1996)
Return Fire (win95) (1996)
Rise 2: Resurrection (1996)
Sensible Golf (1996)
Sensible World of Soccer European Championship Edition (1996)
SimCity 2000 (special edition) (1996)
Speed Haste (1996)
Spud! (CD) (1996)
Starball (1996)
Strife (1996)
Super Stardust’96 (1996)
Survival (1996)
The Rise and Fall of Ancient Empires (win) (1996)
The Settlers 2: Veni Vidi Vici (1996)
Total Knockout Championship Female Boxing (1996)
Total Mayhem (win95) (1996)
Toy Story (1995)
Track Attack (1996)
Tyrian (CD) (1996)
Vikings: The Strategy of Ultimate Conquest (win95) (1996)
VR Soccer’96 (1996)
Warcraft 2: Beyond The Dark Portal (expansion set) (1996)
Wildcards (win95) (1996)
Выпуск 14
AH-64D Longbow (1996)
Back To Baghdad (1996)
Catfight (1996)
Final Doom 2: Plutionia (1996)
Final Doom 2: TNT Evilution (1996)
Fire Fight (1996)
Frank Thomas 'Big Hurt' Baseball (1996)
Gender Wars (1996)
Hoyle Solitaire (1996)
Kick Off '96 (1996)
Offensive (1996)
Onside Soccer (1996)
Operation: Carnage (1996)
Quake (1996)
S.T.O.R.M. (1996)
Strip Poker Pro (1995)
Tronic (1996)
UEFA EURO '96 England (1996)
Virtual Chess for Win95 (1996)
Выпуск 15
Afterlife (1996)
American Civil War (1996)
Crusader 2: No Regret (1996)
Deadlock: Planetary Conquest (1996)
Gene Wars (1996)
Grand Prix 2 (1996)
In Pursuit of Greed (1996)
Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures (win) (1996)
Lemmings Paintball (win95) (1996)
Power Dolls (1996)
Quest for Glory 1 SVGA (1996)
Quest for Glory 2 (1996)
Sim City 2000 Network Edition (1996)
Sliders Malachite (1996)
Speed Rage (1996)
Terminator II Jixxa (win) (1996)
The Chessmaster 5000: Anniversary Edition (1996)
Triple Play Baseball’97 (1996)
Virtua Fighter PC Sega Enterprise (1996)
Z (1996)
Выпуск 16
Absolute Pinball (1996)
Age of Rifles (1996)
Alien Incident (1996)
Bicycle Hearts (win) (1996)
Bicycle Spades (win) (1996)
Bubble Bobble (1996)
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble (1996)
F22 Lightning 2 (1996)
Fable (1996)
Great Naval Battles 5: Demise of the Dreadnaughts (1996)
Hellbender (win95) (1996)
HIND (1996)
Jigsaw Power: Special Edition (win) (1996)
LYNQ 3D (1996)
Metal Rage (1996)
Network Q RAC Rally Championship (1996)
Olimpic Soccer (1996)
Politicards (1996)
Scorched Planet (1996)
Solid Ice (1996)
Star Control 3 (1996)
Star Fighter 3000 (1996)
Strike Base (1996)
Striker'96 (1996)
XenoPhage: Alien Bloodsport (1996)
Выпуск 17
Crock: Legend of the Gobbos (1998)
Malice (1997)
Nightmare Creatures (1997)
Quake (1996)
Quake II (1997)
Rising Lands (1997)
Total Annihilation (1997)
Turok (all 3D cards) (1997)
USCF Chess (1998)
Worms 2 (1997)
Alcatraz (1992)
Alone in the Dark (1992)
Alone in the Dark 2 (1993)
Amazon Guardians of Eden (1992)
Another World (1991)
Archon Ultra (1994)
Atomix (1990)
Baby Joe (1991)
Bad Blood (1990)
Bananoid (1989)
Batman Returns (1992)
Battle Chess (1988)
Beat the House (1992)
Betrayal at Krondor (1993)
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (1993)
Blood Money (1989)
Bloodnet (1994)
Blues Brothers (1991)
Bopoha (1993)
Boston Bomb Club (1991)
Bridge 7.0 (1992)
Brix (1993)
Budocan (1989)
Bumpy's (1992)
Castle (1991)
Castle of Dr. Brain (1991)
Catacomb Abyss (1992)
Cd-Man (1989)
Cd-Man 2 (1992)
Centurion (1990)
Chellenge of the Ancient Empires (1990)
Civilization (1991)
Color Lines (1992)
Comanche (1993)
Comersnt (1991)
Commander Keen (1990)
Commander Keen 2 (1991)
Commander Keen 3 (1991)
Commander Keen 4 (1991)
Commander Keen 5 (1991)
Companions of Xanth (1993)
Conan the Cimmerian (1991)
Cooperation By Coredesign (1991)
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure (1992)
Crack Down (1990)
Crazy Cars 3 (1992)
Crisis in the Kremlin (1991)
Crystal Caves (1991)
Curse of Enchantia (1992)
Darkland (1992)
Darkspyre (1990)
Dawn Raider (1990)
Day of the Tentacle (1993)
Dino Wars (1990)
Dog Fight (1993)
Doom (1993)
Double Dragon 3 (1993)
Dracula (1993)
Dragonstrike (1990)
Ducktales (1990)
Dune (1992)
Dune 2 (1992)
Dungeon Hack (1993)
Dynamo (1993)
Electro Body (1992)
Elite 2 Plus (1991)
Empire Deluxe (1993)
Epic (1993)
Epic Pinball (1993)
Eternam (1992)
Eye of the Beholder (1990)
Eye of the Beholder 2 (1991)
Eye of the Beholder 3 (1993)
F117 (1991)
F15 Strice Eagle 2 (1988)
F19 Stealth Fighter (1988)
Fantasy Empires (1993)
Fields of Glory (1992)
Filler (1990)
Fire & Forget 2 (1990)
First Samurai (1992)
Flash Back (1992)
Flight Simulator 5.0 (1993)
Football (Top 7) (1992)
Formula One Grand Prix (1992)
Fox to Marrakech and Back (1992)
Freddy Pharkas (1993)
Frontier (Elite 3) (1993)
Fury of the Furries (1993)
Galactix (1992)
Global Domination (1993)
Go Simulator (1991)
Gobliiins (1991)
Golden Axe (1990)
Grand Prix Circuit (1988)
Grand Prix Unlimited (1992)
Great Computer Adventure (1993)
Great War: 1914-1918 (1993)
Gunship 2000 (1991)
Halloween Harry (1993)
Home Alone (1991)
Hot Rubber (1992)
Humans (1992)
Inca (1992)
Inca 2 (1993)
Indianapolis 500 Motor Speedway (1989)
Jack Company (1992)
Jill of the Jungle (1992)
Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja (1991)
Jordan in Flight (1992)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Kb2 (1993)
Kgb (1992)
Killing Cloud (1991)
King's Quest VI (1992)
Knights of the Sky (1990)
La Law (1992)
Last Eichhof (1993)
Laura Bow in the Dagger of Amonra (1992)
Legacy (1993)
Legend of Kyrandia (1992)
Leisure Suit Larry 5 (1991)
Leisure Suit Larry 6 (1993)
Lightspeed (1990)
Links386 (1992)
Lost in Time (1993)
Lotus the Ultimate Challenge (1993)
Lure of the Teptress (1992)
Magic Pockets (1992)
Major Stryker (1993)
Mario Andrettie's Racing Chellenge (1991)
Marriage (1993)
Master of Orion (1993)
Mechwarrior (1989)
Megafortress (1991)
Merlin (1993)
Metall Mutant (1986)
Mickey's: Jigsaw Puzzles (1991)
Mig29m (1991)
Might and Magic III (1991)
Mike Ditka Ultimate Football (1991)
Millenium: Return to Earth (1991)
Moonbase (1990)
Moonstone (1992)
Mortal Kombat (1993)
Mystery at the Museums Binary Zoo (1993)
Nardy: Ega Gammon (1989)
Netwars (1992)
Network Q Rac Rally (1994)
Nicky Boom (1992)
PC Lemmings Machine (1991)
Penthouse Electric Jigsaw (1991)
Pipe Dream (1989)
Pirates! Gold (1993)
Pole (1992)
Pole 2 (1993)
Police Quest 4 (1993)
Predator 2 (1991)
Prehistorik (1991)
Prehistorik 2 (1993)
Prince of Persia (1990)
Prince of Persia 2 (1993)
Privateer (1993)
Protostar (1993)
Putup (1991)
Quest for Glory 3: (1992)
Quest for Glory 4: (1993)
Quickball (1992)
Ranger Fox (1992)
Raptor: Call of the Shodows (1994)
Realms (1992)
Red Baron (1990)
Rex Nebular Team (1992)
Risky Woods (1992)
Robocop 3 (1992)
Roger 2 (1991)
Ryder Cup (1993)
Sam & Max (1993)
Sango Fighter (1993)
Sea War (1992)
Seal Team (1993)
Seven Cities of Gold (1993)
Shell Game (1992)
Sherman - M4 (1989)
Shooting Gallery (1990)
Silent Service 2 (1990)
Sim City (1989)
Sim Earth (1992)
Sim Farm (1993)
Simcity 2000 (1993)
Sobor (1991)
Solar Winds Episode 2 (1992)
Son of the Empire (1992)
Space Hulk 25.0 (1993)
Spear of Destiny (1992)
Spirit of Excalibur (1990)
Spot (1990)
SSN-21 Sea Wolf (1994)
Star Blade (1990)
Star Control (1990)
Star Control 2 (1993)
Star Legions (1992)
Star Trek (1992)
Stellar 7 (1990)
Street Fighter 2 (1991)
Strice Commander (1994)
Strike 2 (1994)
Strip Poker Professional (1993)
Strip Poker Three (1991)
Stronghold (1993)
Stunts (1990)
Supaplex (1991)
Super Cauldron (1992)
Syndicate (1993)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Terminator 2029 (1992)
Test Drive 3 (1990)
Tfx (1993)
Tom & Jerry (1990)
Toppler (1990)
Tunnels of Armageddon (1989)
Tv Sports: Boxing (1992)
Ufo: Enemy Unknown (1994)
Ultima Underworld (1992)
Unnecessary Roughness (1993)
Veil of Darkness (1992)
When Two Worlds War (1993)
Wing Commander (1990)
Wing Commander 2 (1992)
Wing Commander Academy (1993)
Wizardry 7 (Dark Savant) (1992)
Wolfenstein 3D (1992)
X-Wing: Space Combat Simulator (1993)
Выпуск 2
1942: The Pacific Air War (1994)
A10 Tank Killer (1989)
Aces Over Europe (1993)
Adibou (1993)
Advanced Tactical Air Combat (1992)
Alien Legacy (1994)
Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse (1994)
Angel Wrestling (1993)
B-17: Flying Fortress (1992)
Battle Isle 2 (1994)
Battles of Destiny (1992)
Be Our Guest (1994)
Beneath a Steel Sky (1994)
Bio Menace! (1993)
Cannon Fodder (1994)
Carriers at War 2 (1994)
CC Football (1993)
Commander Keen 6 (1991)
Commander Keen 7 (1992)
Conquest (1992)
Conquests of the Longbow (1991)
Coridor 7: Alien Invasion (1994)
Countdown (1990)
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands (1993)
D-Day (1994)
Depth Dwellers (1994)
Detroit (1994)
Diggers (1993)
Dinopark (1993)
Disciples of Steel (1993)
Doctor Who (1992)
Doom 2: Hell on Earth (1994)
Dragonsphere (1993)
Duke Nukem (1991)
Duke Nukum 2 (1993)
Dyna Blaster (1992)
Elder Scrolls: Arena (1994)
Elf (1991)
Eric the Unready (1993)
F-14 Fleet Defender (1994)
F-29 Retaliator (1991)
Falcon 3 (1991)
Gabriel Knight (1993)
Gateway II: Homeworld (1993)
Goal (1993)
Goblins 3 (1993)
Gods (1991)
Grandest Fleet (1994)
Harald (1992)
Harpoon 2 (1993)
Heart of China (1991)
Heirs to the Throne (1993)
Highway Fighter (1994)
Hired Guns (1993)
Hocus Pocus (1994)
In Extremis (1993)
Incredible Toons (1993)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992)
Indycar Racing (1993)
Inherit the Earth (1994)
Innocent: Until Caught (1993)
Internal Open Golf (1993)
Ishar 2 (1993)
Ishar 3 (1994)
Isle of the Dead (1993)
Jeopardy! (1994)
King Maker (1993)
Lands of Lore (1993)
Laser Squad (1992)
Legend of Kyrandia 2 (1993)
Legend of Myra (1992)
Lemmings 2: The Trides (1993)
Litil Divil (1993)
Lost in L.A. (1991)
Lost Secret of the Rainforest (1993)
Lost Vikings (1993)
Martian Memorandum (1991)
Might & Magic 5 (1993)
Mirage Thunder Dif 2 (1993)
Monster Bash (1993)
Obitus (1991)
Pagan: Ultima 8 (Speech Pack) (1994)
Planet's Edge (1992)
Police Quest 3: The Kindred (1991)
Pools of Darkness (1991)
Prophecy (1993)
Quarky & Quaysoo's (1992)
Quest of Glory (1992)
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe (1992)
Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession (1994)
Red Hell (1994)
Reunion (1994)
Ringworld (1992)
Robbo (1993)
Robinson's Requiem (1994)
Roger Rabbit (1992)
Settlers (Serf City) (1994)
Shadow Caster (1993)
Shadow of the Comet (1993)
Sherlock Holmes (1992)
Silverball Plus 2 (1993)
Simlife (1992)
Simon the Sorcerer (1993)
Sink or Swim (1993)
Soccer Kid (1994)
Space Quest 4 (1991)
Space Quest 5 (1992)
Spell Craft: Aspects of Valor (1992)
Spell Jammer (1992)
Starship (1993)
Stunt Island (1992)
Sub War 2050 (1993)
Super VGA Harrier Assault (1993)
Superski 3 (1994)
Theatre of Death (1994)
Theme Park (1994)
Tie Fighter (1994)
Tornado (1993)
Tristan Pinball (1992)
Tubular Worlds (1994)
Two Towers (1992)
Ultima Underworld 2 (1992)
Ultrabots (1992)
Utopia (1992)
V for Victory, Utah Beach (1991)
Valhalla (1992)
Walls of Rome (1993)
Winter Olympic (1991)
World Cup USA 1994 (1994)
Yendorian Tales (1993)
Zool 2 (1994)
Выпуск 3
173 Games for Windows (1994)
Aces of the Deep (1994)
Ambush at Sorinor (1993)
American Gladiators (1992)
Arctic Baron (1993)
Battle Chess 4000 (1992)
Belfry (1993)
Black Thorne (1994)
Blake Stone 2: Planet Strike (1994)
Blue Force (1993)
Burntime (1994)
Buzz Aldrin's Into Race Space (1993)
Car and Driver (1993)
Championship Manager '94 (1994)
Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1! (1993)
Civilization (rus) (1991)
Cobra Mission (1992)
Cool in Fire and Ice (1993)
Cyber Race (1993)
Dare to Dream (1993)
Dark Queen of Krynn (1992)
Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (1994)
Delta V (1994)
Desert Strike: Return to Gulf (1993)
Dreamweb (1994)
Entity Addendum (1994)
Entombed (1994)
Evasive Action (1994)
F15 Strike Eagle 3 (1992)
Gateworld (1993)
Geekwad (1994)
Geometrix 2 (1992)
Great Naval Battles 2 (1993)
Hannibal (1992)
Harrier Jump Jet (1992)
Heimdall 2 (1994)
Helicopter Mission (1994)
Horde (1994)
Innisbrook: Copperhead (1993)
Intellegent Strategy Games 10 (1993)
International Tennis Open (1994)
Iron Cross (1994)
Jazz Jackrabbit (1994)
Jin City (1993)
Kidworks 2: Design Team (1992)
King Quest 5 (1990)
Koshan Conspiracy (1992)
Krypton Egg (1994)
Last Aktion Hero: Jack Slayter (1994)
Legend of Seven Paladins 3D (1994)
Leisure Suit Larry (1992)
Lode Runner: Legend Returns (1994)
Lords of the Realm (1994)
Lost Tribe (1992)
Manchester United Football Club (1994)
Master of Magic (1994)
Mega Traveller 2: Quest for the Ancients (1991)
Merchant Prince (1993)
Metal & Lace: The Battle of the Robo Babes (1993)
Micromachines (1994)
Microsoft Golf (1992)
Might and Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen (1992)
Monkey Island 2 (1991)
Museum Madness Es Here! (1994)
Mystic Towers (1994)
NHL Hockey (1993)
Nomad (1993)
On the Ball: World Cup Edition (1994)
Operation Overlord (1994)
Organization Game (1994)
Origamo (1994)
Patriot (1992)
Patton Strikes Back (1991)
Pebble Beach Golf Links (1993)
Planet Football (1994)
Pretty Girl Campaigh (1994)
Previl (1994)
Pussy Puzzle (1993)
Quarantine (1994)
Realms of Arcania (1993)
Red Crystal (1993)
Return to Zork (1993)
Sabre Team (1994)
Scrabble Brand Crossword Game (1990)
Sid Meier's Colonization (1994)
Space Conflict (1992)
Space Quest VGA (1991)
Special Forces (1992)
Spectre VR (1993)
Star Crusader (1994)
Super Dune II: The Destruction (1994)
Superhero League of Hoboken (1994)
System Shock (1994)
T2: Chess Wars (1993)
Tanks! (1994)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (1991)
Terminator: Rampage (1993)
The Blue & The Gray (1993)
Theatre of War (1992)
Train Engineer (1994)
Travels of Joe Rabbit (1994)
Treasure Galaxy (1994)
Twilight: 2000 (1991)
Ultima 6: The False Prophet (1990)
Ultimate Domain (1994)
Uninvited (1993)
Unnatural Selection (1993)
VGA Planets 3.0 (1993)
Vida (1993)
Vision the 5 Dimension Utopia (1992)
Warloards 2 (with scenario editor) (1993)
Wax Works (1992)
Wayne's World (1993)
Wing Commander: Armada (1994)
Wolf (1994)
Выпуск 4
4D-Prince (1994)
Adventures of Willy Beamish (1991)
Aethra Chronicles (1994)
Air Bucks (1993)
Air Duel (1993)
Alien Carnage (Halloween Harry) (1994)
All New World of Lemmings 3 (CD) (1994)
Armored Fist (1994)
Astrofire (1994)
Av8b Harrier Assault (1992)
Banff Springs (1993)
Bat 2 (1992)
Battle Bugs (1994)
Battle of Britain 2 (win) (1994)
Battledrome: Metaltech Robotic (1994)
Castle Pines Golf Club (1994)
Championship Manager 93 (1993)
Chess Net 3 (win) (1994)
Chessmaster 3000 for Windows (1991)
Chuck Yeager's Air Combat (1991)
Coaster (1993)
Cruel World (1994)
Crusade in Space (1994)
Cyclones (1994)
Dark Legions (1994)
Dawn Patrol (Overlord 2) (1994)
Defend the Alamo (1994)
Desert Storm Command Deluxe (1994)
Discovering America (1993)
Dominus (1994)
Doofus (1994)
Doom & Wolf (1994)
Ecstatica (1994)
Eight Ball Deluxe (1993)
Elvira 2: The Jaws of Cerberus (1991)
Elvira: Misstress of the Dark (1990)
Epidemic (Music) (1994)
F-14 Tomcat (1992)
Fighter Wing (1994)
Firestone Country Club: South (1993)
Fortress of Dr. Radiaki (1994)
Frankenstein (1994)
Frederik Pohl's Gateway (1992)
Front Page Sports: Baseball'94 (1994)
Front Page Sports:Football Pro (1994)
Gateway 2: Homeworld (1993)
Gunship 2000 Plus (1993)
Hong Kong Mahjong Pro (1992)
Icarus 4 (1994)
In Search of Dr. Riptide (1994)
Incredible Machine 2 (1994)
Island Dr. Brain 2 (1992)
Journey to the West (1994)
Kasparov's Gambit (1993)
King of Fighter (1994)
Kingmaker (1993)
Lady Love (1992)
Legend of Kyrandia (rus) (1992)
Legends of Valour (1992)
Legions for Windows (1994)
Lemmings 3: Chronicles (1994)
Lethal Tender (1993)
Lion King (1994)
Menzoberranzan (1994)
Metaltech: Earthsiege (1994)
Microsoft Space Simulator (1994)
NCAA Road to the Final Four 2 (1994)
Nitemare 3D: A House of Horrors (1994)
One Must Fall 2097 (1994)
Outpost (win) (1994)
Pacific Strike (1994)
Pangea: Return to Planet Earth (1993)
Panzer General (1994)
Patrician (1992)
Pepper's Adventures in Time (1993)
Pinball Dreams 2 (1993)
Playball (win) (1994)
Project X (1994)
Raiden (1990)
Realms of Arcania 2: Star Trail (1994)
Return of the Phantom (1993)
Rise of the Robots (1994)
Rocketeer (1991)
Rolling Ronny (1994)
Rosemary West's House of Fortn (1993)
Sargon 5: World Class Chess (1991)
Serious Soccer (1994)
Sim Farm for Windows (1994)
Sim Health (1994)
Sleep Walker (1994)
Space Federation (1994)
Space Shuttle: The Simulator (1991)
Spear of Destiny (1992)
Spell Craft: Aspects of Valor (1992)
Spellcasting 301 (1992)
Spoils of War (1992)
Star Crusader Speech Pack (Update) (1994)
Star Trek: Judgment Rites (1993)
Star Wars Chess (1994)
Strike Squad (1994)
Terminal Terror (1994)
Thunder Hawk Ah-73m (1990)
Topgun: Danger Zone (1991)
Transport Tycoon (1994)
Ultima 7: The Black Gate (1992)
Universe (1994)
Unnecessary Roughness 95' (1994)
Wacky Wheels (1994)
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (1994)
Wing Commander: Academy Wingman Voices (1993)
Winter Sports (1994)
World Cup Challenge (win) (1994)
Xf 5700 Mantis Experimental Fighter (1992)
Yukon Trail (CD) for Windows (1994)
Zarkov Chess (1993)
Выпуск 5
1869 (1992)
6 Small Games for Windows (1994)
Aces of the Pacific (1992)
Aladdin: Agrabah Market (1994)
Alone in the Dark 3 (1995)
Arya Vaiv (1994)
BBC Match of the Day: Bundesliga (1994)
Best Black Jack (win) (1994)
Big Red Adventure (1995)
Black Thorne (CD) (1994)
Blue Max: Aces of the Great War (1990)
Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess (1994)
Bookie (1994)
Cannon Fodder 2 (1994)
Chaos Engine (1994)
Clue! (1994)
Columns (1994)
Comet Busters! (win) (1994)
Dark Forces (1995)
Deadly Racer (1994)
Death Gate (1994)
Descent (1994)
Double Talk: Original Edition (1994)
Double Talk: Sports Edition (1994)
Dragon's Lair: Escape from Sing (1991)
Dune 2 (rus) (1994)
Duren (1992)
F-14:Scenario & Mission Builder (1994)
Facts in Action (1992)
Fifa International Soccer (1994)
Flight Commander 2 (win) (1994)
Flying Tigers (1994)
Foreplay & Camman (1994)
Forgotien Realms: Unlimited Adv (1993)
Free D.C. (1991)
Front Lines (1994)
Glider for Windows (1994)
Gobliins 2 (rus) (1992)
Golf Course: Prairie Dunes Coun (1995)
Gone Fishin' (1994)
Gottlieb's Royal Flush (1994)
Great Naval Battles 3: Fury in (1994)
Guy Spy (1992)
Hardball 4 With Mlbpa Players D (1994)
Heretic (1994)
Hilarious Dutchball! (1994)
Holiday Lemmings '94 (1994)
Hugo (German Text & Speech) (1994)
Hyperspeed (1991)
Innocent Until Caught 2: Proven (1994)
Ironseed (1994)
Jo Guest: The Milk Round (1994)
Ken (1993)
Krypton Egg (1994)
Lamborghini American Challenge (1994)
Latenite Sexy TV Show (1993)
Leisure Suit Larry (rus) (1994)
Lollypop (1994)
Magic Carpet (1994)
Martian Dreams (1991)
Metal Marines (win) (1994)
Mortal Kombat 2 (1995)
Nothing But Net! (1994)
Nova 9 Quick Dox (1991)
Operation Europe: Path to Victo (1994)
Oscar (1994)
Pac-In-Time (1994)
Patriot (1992)
PC Basket (1993)
Pinball 2000 (1993)
Power Drive (1994)
Premier Manager 3 (1994)
Prison Guard Tracker (win) (1994)
Pushover (1992)
Puzzle Beauty (1994)
Rags to Riches (1993)
Reach for the Skies (1993)
Reach Out for Gold (1993)
Realms of Arkania 2: Star Trail (1994)
Realms of Chaos: Chapter 1 (1994)
Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure / Little Big Adventure (1994)
Retribution (1994)
Ricochet (win) (1994)
Rise of the Triad: Dark War (1995)
Rock'n Roll (1990)
Rome Ad92: The Pathway to Power (1993)
Sex Tetris (1991)
Sir Addalot's Math Adventure (1993)
Sitris (1993)
Slob Zone 3D (1994)
Soccer Superstars (1994)
Sokoban 1994 (1993)
Space Ace (1990)
Star Trek 25 (1992)
Storymaker VGA (1994)
Super Boppin (1994)
Super Shooter (win) (1994)
Super Ski Pro (1994)
Superfrog (1994)
Syndicate Plus (CD) (1994)
Teresa: The House Guest (1994)
Tetris Classic (1992)
Tetris Pro (1994)
Tetrolis (1993)
Threat Deluxe (1995)
Towers (1994)
Treasure of the Savage Frontier (1992)
Trubis (1992)
UFO (CD) (1994)
Ultimate Body Blows (1994)
Ultimate Challenge Golf (1992)
Vida at the Cafe XXX (1994)
Virtuoso (1994)
Wing Commander: Secret Mission 2 (1992)
World at War: Stalingrad (1994)
Выпуск 6
4D Boxing (1991)
Action Soccer (1995)
Alien Breed: Tower Assault (1995)
Alien Olympics (1994)
Atari 2600 Action Pact (1995)
B.C. Racers (1995)
Bailey's Book House (1993)
Bioforge (1994)
Breakline (1994)
Brett Hull Hockey '95 (1995)
Bridge Deluxe 2 with Omar Shari (1995)
Bureau 13 (1994)
Cannon Foder (CD) (1995)
Casino Tournament of Champions (1995)
Clock Werx (win) (1995)
Complete Set of Interactive (1995)
Cool Spot (1994)
Discworld (1995)
Elite 3: First Encounters (1995)
Espn Baseball Tonight (1994)
Expert Chess for Windows (1994)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (1995)
Flying Tigers (1995)
Flying Tigers (1995)
Funball (1995)
Games Magazine's Word Puzzle (1994)
Gateworld: The Seed Ship (1993)
G-Netix (win) (1995)
High Seas Trader (1995)
Immoral Cumbat (1995)
Inordinate Desire (1994)
Jagged Alliance (CD) (1995)
Jungle Strike (1995)
Jungle Strike (CD) (1995)
Ka-50 Hokum (1995)
Kin Yeo Fighting (1995)
Knights of Xentar (1994)
Links the Challenge of Golf (1994)
Machiavelli: The Prince (1995)
Magic Carpet 2: The Hidden World (1995)
Mario's Game Gallery (1994)
Mickey's Abc's Enhanced (1993)
Nascar Racing (1994)
Once Upon a Forest (1995)
Perfect General 2 (1995)
Pizza Tycoon (1994)
Psycho Pinball (1995)
Pure Wargame (1994)
Pyro Technica (1995)
Raiden (1995)
Risky (win) (1995)
Sento 3D Fighter (1994)
Simcity 2000 (CD) (1994)
Skyrealms of Jorune: Alien Logic (1994)
Space Quest 4 (rus) (1992)
Space Quest 5 (rus) (1993)
Stereo World (1994)
Street Shuffle (win) (1994)
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (1995)
Sword of Honour (1993)
System Shock (CD) (SVGA) (1995)
Tank Commander (1995)
Terminal Velocity (1995)
Total Carnage (1994)
Traffic Department 2192 (1994)
Trolls (1992)
Upgrate for Ms Golf: Pine (win) (1995)
Vinyl Goddess From Mars (1995)
Virtual Pool v0.9 (1995)
Voyages of Discovery (1995)
Wheel of Fortune Deluxe Edition (1994)
Whizz (1994)
World Hockey'95 (1995)
Wrath of Earth With Speech Pack (1995)
X-Com 2: Terror From the Deep (1995)
Zorro (1995)
Выпуск 7
3D Cyberpuck (1995)
Apache Gunship (CD) (1995)
Arnie 2 (1995)
Art Apart: Puzzles to Solve (1995)
B"Lz! (1995)
Beat the House for Windows (1995)
Blood Bowl (CD) (1995)
Bolo (CD) (1995)
Brain Quest 13 1st Grade Ages 6 (1995)
Brutal: Paws of Fury (1995)
Casino Expert for Windows (1993)
Celtic Tales: Balor of the Evil (1995)
Civil War (1995)
Code: Europe (1995)
Combat Air Patrol (1995)
Combined Tcs/Tws System (1995)
Creep Clash (1995)
Cyberbykes (1995)
Dawn Patrol (1994)
Dungeon Master 2 (1995)
Entertainment Digest (win) (1995)
Flight Lite (1994)
Flight Simulator 5 (1995)
Football Glory PC (1995)
Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space Golf (1995)
Fx Fighter (CD) (1995)
Galactix v.5 (1995)
Golf Course: Riviera Country (1995)
Hi-Octane (CD) (1995)
Inferno (1995)
Interrupt (1995)
Iron Cross (1995)
Jagged Alliance (1995)
King Pin (1995)
Leisure Suit Larry's Greatest H (1995)
Living Puzzles - Triazzle (1995)
Lords of Midnight 3: The Citadel (1995)
Mech Warrior 2 (1995)
Micro Machines 2 (1995)
Overdrive (1995)
Patrician (for vesa) (1995)
Player Manager 2 (1995)
Poolmaster for Windows (1994)
Rollin' Part 1: Episode 2 & 3 (1995)
Rollin' Part 2: Episode 4 & 5 (1995)
Scottish Open (1995)
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (1995)
Simtower for Windows (1995)
Simtown for Windows (1995)
Slipstream 5000 (1995)
Striker'95 (1995)
Strip Blackjack Part Three (1995)
Super Speed (1995)
Superkarts (1995)
SVGA Air Warriors Plus (1995)
Take a Break Pinball (CD) (win) (1995)
Teenagent (1995)
Time Hunters (1995)
Time Out Sports Basketball (win) (1995)
Tube (1995)
U.S.H.F.: Beyond Armageddon (1995)
Ultimate Doom (1995)
Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons (1994)
USA Scenery: East - 2nd Edition (1994)
USA Scenery: West - 2nd Edition (1994)
Warriors (CD) (1995)
Widget Workshop for Windows (1995)
Word Crazy (win) (1995)
X-Com: UFO Defence (rus) (1995)
Xeno Ball (1995)
Xixit (1995)
Zig-Zag (win) (1995)
Выпуск 8
1830: Railroads & Robber Barons (1995)
1944: Across the Rhine (1995)
A4-Networks (1995)
Air Power (1995)
Antagony (1994)
Baryon (1995)
Bask (1995)
Battle Beast (CD) (win) (1995)
Bigone (win) (1994)
Breach 3 (1995)
Breakfree (1995)
Brudal Baddle (1994)
Caesar 2 (1995)
Cheunha (1994)
Command & Conquer (1995)
Crusader: No Remorse (1995)
Dday: America Invades! (CD) (1995)
Dime City (1995)
Doom 2 for Win95 (1995)
Empire 2: The Art of War (1995)
Epic Pinball (enhanced packs) (1995)
Fade to Black (1995)
Flight Simulator 5.0 (Nyork) (1993)
Flight Simulator 5.0 (Sfran) (1993)
Genius (CD) (win) (1995)
Helious (1993)
Hellfire Zone (CD) (1995)
Hexen: Beyond Heretic (beta 3) (1995)
Hole in One (1995)
Home Run Derby (1994)
Igor: Objective Uikokahonia (1995)
Jazz Jack Rabbit (CD) (1994)
K-1 Tank (1995)
Kubulus (1994)
Magic Carpet 2 - Netherworlds (1995)
Manchester United - the Double (1995)
Mega Man X (1995)
Mortal Kombat 3 (CD) (1995)
Motor City: History Experience Part 2 (1995)
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (1995)
Nerves of Steel (1995)
Nhl Hockey’95 (1995)
Night Raid (1993)
PC Rally (CD) (1995)
Primal Rage (1995)
Puzzle Mania (1995)
Road Hog! (vol. 1 & 2) (1995)
Sail 95 (win) (1995)
Soko-Ban (1995)
Terminal Velocity (1995)
Too Many Geckos! (1995)
Transport Tycoon Deluxe (1995)
Tyrian (1995)
Werewolf vs. Comanche (1995)
Witchaven (1995)
Выпуск 9
3D Lemmings (1995)
3D Table Sports (1995)
3D Ultra Pinball (win) (1995)
Abuse (1995)
Advanced Civilization (1995)
Alunser Jr. Arcade Racing (win95) (1995)
Ascendancy (1995)
Battleground Ardennes (win) (1995)
Bicycle Baccarat (1995)
Black Knight (1995)
Cannon Bubble Mania (win) (1995)
Clyde’s Revenge! (1995)
Corel Wild Board Games (win) (1995)
Darker (CD) (1995)
Dynasty League Baseball (win) (1995)
Fatal Racing (CD) (1995)
Fight of Destiny (1995)
Future Dimension (1995)
Grand Master Chess (1995)
Hardball 5 (1995)
Heroes of Might and Magic (CD) (1995)
Hexen (1995)
Iron Assault (1995)
Jungle Book (1995)
Last Day (win) (1995)
Machines (1995)
Master of Magic (1995)
Navy Strike: Task Force Command (1995)
Need for Speed (CD) (1995)
Nightmare 3D (win) (1994)
Pee & Gity Special (1994)
Pinball World (1995)
Pizza Tycoon (1994)
Power the Game (win) (1995)
Rapid Assault (1995)
Road Warrior (1995)
Sim City 2000 (win95) (1995)
Star Emperor (os/2) (1995)
Take a Break! Crosswords Deluxe (win) (1995)
Tekwar (1995)
Time Circle (1995)
Towers of Kublai Khan (1995)
Warlord 2 Deluxe (1995)
World Gity Grand Prix (win) (1995)
Zoop (1995)
Выпуск 10
5 Game Super Pack (1995)
Actua Soccer (1995)
Anvil of Dawn (1995)
Capitalism (1995)
Championship Chess (1995)
Classic Games for OS/2 (1995)
Comix Zone (1995)
Commodore 64 Pack (1995)
Conqueror 1086 AD (1995)
Destruction Derby (1995)
Druid: Daemons of the Mind (1995)
Earthworm Jim (win95) (1995)
Ecco (1995)
EF2000 (1995)
Endorfun (1995)
Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall (1995)
Expect No Mercy (win) (1995)
Fifa Soccer’96 (1995)
Fighter Duel (1995)
Flight Simulator: Flight Shop (1995)
Football Limited (CD) (1995)
Galactic Void Miner (1995)
Indycar Racing 2 (1995)
Jazz Jack Rabbit Holiday (1995)
Locus (1995)
Microleam Game Pack vol.2 (OS/2) (1995)
Mimi & Mites (1995)
Nemesis Mission (win) (1995)
Ocean Traider (1995)
Parker Brother’s Monopoly (win) (1995)
Pocahontas (1995)
Radix: Beyond the Void (1995)
Realms of Chaos (1995)
Romanche of Three Kingdoms (1995)
Screamer (CD) (1995)
Scunny (1995)
Sensible World of Soccer (1995)
Spiderman: Separation Anxiety (1995)
Star Rangers (1995)
Stonekeeper (1995)
Tang Chi 16 for Win (1995)
Tang Chi 32 for Win95 (1995)
Terminator: Future Shock (1995)
Thexder (win95) (1995)
Tower (win) (1995)
Выпуск 11
2 Fast 3 You (1995)
Abuse (1995)
Actua Soccer (1995)
Alien Virus (1995)
CD-ROMIX: Ultraverse Freex #1 (1995)
Checkers (win) (1995)
Chess Kids (win) (1995)
CivNet (win) (1995)
Congo the Movie: Descent into Zinj (1995)
Connect (1995)
Cyber Mage: Darklight Awakening (1995)
Cyber Speed (win95) (1995)
Dawn Patrol 2: Head to Head (1995)
Dime City (1995)
Extreme Pinball (1995)
Fatal Racing (1995)
Fatty Bear’s Birthday Surprise (1995)
FireStorm Thunderhawk 2 (1995)
Front Page Sports: Football Pro’96 Season (1995)
Full Tilt! Pinball (win95) (1995)
Fun’n Games Deluxe (1995)
HiOctane for 3D Blaster (1995)
Hooves of Hunder (win) (1995)
Hoyle Classic Games (win) (1995)
Hyper 3D Pinball (1995)
Icebreaker (win) (1995)
Impact (1995)
Jigsaw Power (win) (1995)
Links386 Pro Golf Ultimate (CD) (1995)
Lode Runner Online (win95) (1995)
Might and Magic: Swords of Xeen (1995)
Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol (win) (1995)
Mystic Midway: Phantom Express (1995)
Nascar Racing for 3D Blaster (1995)
Nick Faldo’s Golf (1995)
Pool Champion (win) (1995)
Rebel Moon for 3D Blaster (1995)
Red Ghost (1995)
Sensible World of Soccer (CD) (1995)
Shannara (1995)
Soleil (win) (1995)
SU-27 Flanker (win95) (1995)
This Means War (win) (1995)
Timon and Pumbaa’s Jungle Games (win) (1995)
Virtual Karts (1995)
Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars (1995)
Worms (CD) (1995)
Выпуск 12
Absolute Zero (1996)
Abuse (1996)
Airforce Commander (1994)
Assault Rigs (1996)
Batman Forever (1996)
Battles in Time (1995)
Blood (alpha) (1997)
Bud Tucker (1995)
Chronicles of the Sword (1996)
Civilization 2 for Win95 (1996)
Cog Hill Championship Course (1995)
College Slam (1996)
Command: Aces of the Deep (win95) (1995)
Crusade: The Fight For Power (1995)
Cylindrix (1996)
Cyril Cyberpunk (1996)
Descent 2 (1996)
EA Sports Cricket (1995)
ESPN Extreme Games (1996)
Fantasy General (1996)
Fast Attack! (1996)
Iron Blood (1995)
Jack Nicklaus Golf & Course (1995)
Johnny Bazookatone (1995)
Jungledyret Hugo (1995)
Kingdom At War (1995)
Living Pinball (1995)
Math Blaster: In Search of Spot (1993)
Maximum Road Kill (1995)
Metaltech: Earthsiege Expansion Disk (1995)
NBA Live’96 (1996)
NFL Quarterback Club’96 (1996)
Picture BlackJack (1996)
Pinball 4000 (1995)
Radix: Beyond The Void (1996)
Rayman (1995)
Reverse Time (1995)
Revolution X (1996)
Seek And Destroy (1995)
Shell Shock (1995)
Sim Sity 2000 for OS/2 (1995)
Space Dude (1995)
Starball (1996)
Steel Panthers (1995)
Strip Poker Pro (1995)
Super Star Wars (1996)
Terra Nova:Strike Force Centauri (1996)
The Complete Carriers At War (1996)
Thor’s Hammer Trilogy (1995)
Tilt! (1995)
Time Gate: Knight’s Chase (1995)
Tornado (1995)
UEFA Champion League (1996)
Virtual Snooker (1996)
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat (1995)
Whiplash (1996)
Wingstar (1996)
WipeOut (1995)
Witch Haven II (1996)
Выпуск 13
Battle Arena Toshinden (1996)
Big Red Racing (1996)
Conquest of the New World (1996)
Deadline (1996)
Duke Nukem 3D (1996)
Earth Worm Jim (1996)
Earth Worm Jim II (1996)
Fire Wind (1996)
Golf Digest Score Card (1996)
Heretic (1996)
Hexen: Deathking’s of the Dark Citadel (1996)
Hoyle Classic Board Games vol.3 (1996)
Jane’s Combat Simulations: Advanced Tactical Fighters (1996)
Links386 Pro: Golf (1996)
Majestic Part I: Alien Encounter (1995)
Manic Karts (1996)
Marriage (1996)
Normality (1996)
PGA European Tour (CD) (1996)
Piranha (1996)
Return Fire (win95) (1996)
Rise 2: Resurrection (1996)
Sensible Golf (1996)
Sensible World of Soccer European Championship Edition (1996)
SimCity 2000 (special edition) (1996)
Speed Haste (1996)
Spud! (CD) (1996)
Starball (1996)
Strife (1996)
Super Stardust’96 (1996)
Survival (1996)
The Rise and Fall of Ancient Empires (win) (1996)
The Settlers 2: Veni Vidi Vici (1996)
Total Knockout Championship Female Boxing (1996)
Total Mayhem (win95) (1996)
Toy Story (1995)
Track Attack (1996)
Tyrian (CD) (1996)
Vikings: The Strategy of Ultimate Conquest (win95) (1996)
VR Soccer’96 (1996)
Warcraft 2: Beyond The Dark Portal (expansion set) (1996)
Wildcards (win95) (1996)
Выпуск 14
AH-64D Longbow (1996)
Back To Baghdad (1996)
Catfight (1996)
Final Doom 2: Plutionia (1996)
Final Doom 2: TNT Evilution (1996)
Fire Fight (1996)
Frank Thomas 'Big Hurt' Baseball (1996)
Gender Wars (1996)
Hoyle Solitaire (1996)
Kick Off '96 (1996)
Offensive (1996)
Onside Soccer (1996)
Operation: Carnage (1996)
Quake (1996)
S.T.O.R.M. (1996)
Strip Poker Pro (1995)
Tronic (1996)
UEFA EURO '96 England (1996)
Virtual Chess for Win95 (1996)
Выпуск 15
Afterlife (1996)
American Civil War (1996)
Crusader 2: No Regret (1996)
Deadlock: Planetary Conquest (1996)
Gene Wars (1996)
Grand Prix 2 (1996)
In Pursuit of Greed (1996)
Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures (win) (1996)
Lemmings Paintball (win95) (1996)
Power Dolls (1996)
Quest for Glory 1 SVGA (1996)
Quest for Glory 2 (1996)
Sim City 2000 Network Edition (1996)
Sliders Malachite (1996)
Speed Rage (1996)
Terminator II Jixxa (win) (1996)
The Chessmaster 5000: Anniversary Edition (1996)
Triple Play Baseball’97 (1996)
Virtua Fighter PC Sega Enterprise (1996)
Z (1996)
Выпуск 16
Absolute Pinball (1996)
Age of Rifles (1996)
Alien Incident (1996)
Bicycle Hearts (win) (1996)
Bicycle Spades (win) (1996)
Bubble Bobble (1996)
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble (1996)
F22 Lightning 2 (1996)
Fable (1996)
Great Naval Battles 5: Demise of the Dreadnaughts (1996)
Hellbender (win95) (1996)
HIND (1996)
Jigsaw Power: Special Edition (win) (1996)
LYNQ 3D (1996)
Metal Rage (1996)
Network Q RAC Rally Championship (1996)
Olimpic Soccer (1996)
Politicards (1996)
Scorched Planet (1996)
Solid Ice (1996)
Star Control 3 (1996)
Star Fighter 3000 (1996)
Strike Base (1996)
Striker'96 (1996)
XenoPhage: Alien Bloodsport (1996)
Выпуск 17
Crock: Legend of the Gobbos (1998)
Malice (1997)
Nightmare Creatures (1997)
Quake (1996)
Quake II (1997)
Rising Lands (1997)
Total Annihilation (1997)
Turok (all 3D cards) (1997)
USCF Chess (1998)
Worms 2 (1997)
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